
Saturday, November 13, 2010


slm sume..hehehe..09 aribln 11 yg lepas segala-galany da berakhir..ak da present final project ak ngn successnya bersma2 ngn partner ak a.k.a serraf..overall semuanya tampak berjalan dgn amat lancar sekali..bermula dgn sesi demonstrasi project hinggalah ke slide presentation..yg beznya lpas ak present para2 panel x ajukan soalan pon kt kitorg..tue maknanye apa yg kitorg smpaikn dlm slide tue panel2 phm..hahaha..thank to all members coz dtg support kitorang..thanks yaa!!!

neh la rupenya final project kitorang.."AUTOMATIC CAN CRUSHER" namanye..hehehe..many thanks to our supervisor Madam Ng Yian Ying, together she has contributed towards in making our project a big success. She has spent his time patiently, advised, showed us how to solve the problem we had and gave us with a lot of knowledge. Tq very much for sharing his valuable point of view, though as well as him experienced in the real working environment..
Sesi demonstrasi bersama2 panel-panel

Neh antara picture2 final project kami..layanzz~~

Sy n seraff="Automatic can crusher"

project amir kut2 n nizam kenneth ="automatic water roof detector"

project amir hazizi n apek= "Neslo machine"

project bard n haziq= "Smart integrated security home"

project adib n faiz iskandar= security lock with infrared?? (dop egat nama)

project sero n beto = "multi temperature thermopot with automatic filling"

Bnyk lagi la project2 laen..x sempat nk ambek n ltak sume..neh pict sekitar ary present~~